Physical health promotion for people with mental illness is vital if the life expectancy of this population group is to be improved. While there is promising evidence of physical health promotion initiatives in the literature in this population group, it is unclear whether these have resulted in ...
East China’s Jiangsu province has stepped up its efforts for the promotion of healthcare reform by encouraging patients to use more grassroots-level hospitals and clinics, which will be improved to provide more accessible and affordable services. Comprehensive hospitals in big cities will be asked ...
Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European projec... theory- and evidence-based tool for the structured planning and development of health promotion programs that requires the completion of six di...
It notes that the essential elements of a program theory are problem definition, critical inputs, mediating processes, expected outcomes, extraneous factors, and implementation issues. The report concludes 展开 关键词: Health Promotion Life Style Measurement Techniques Obesity Physical Activity Level Self...
“Anything you can do to bring down glucose readings throughout the day is a good thing,” said senior author Glenn Gaesser of the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion at Arizona State University in Phoenix. “We chose a typical workday because a large number of Americans spend a lot ...
Mortality is not the only matter of concern when it comes to developing a guideline for health promotion, and we also need to expand our study beyond cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. It is critical to focus our investigations on other health outcomes, such as quality of life, years of...
Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the impact of physical activity (daily steps) on healthcare costs utilising the data retrieved from a health promotion project (the e-wellness Project, held in three municipalities in Japan). Evaluating the effects of daily steps, measured by ...
If each of these steps is carefully addressed, better use will be made of scarce public resources by avoiding the costly evaluation, or implementation, of unpromising interventions. 展开 关键词:PUBLIC HEALTH PREVENTION HEALTH PROMOTION GENDER
Validity of activity monitor step detection is related to movement patterns. J Phys Act Health. 2016;13(2):145-153. doi:10.1123/jpah.2015-0203 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref What Are the Next Steps for Developing a National Steps Guideline? JAMA Network Open Invited Commentary September...
Eating Right Every Day We will be learning about the relationship between good nutrition and health. The Food Pyramid Steps to a healthier you GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUITS OILS MILK MEAT & BEANS Grains Make half of your grains whole Some examples of grains are: oatmeal, wheat, rye, and barley Wh...