Consider using a microscope. Describe the steps on focusing to view a specimen. Describe lab safety and Scientific method. What is the purpose of heat fixing in a simple staining experiment? When is parfocality achieved in microscopy? Which objective should be in place when you start to work...
显微镜的基本结构 (Basic Structure of a Microscope) 在开始绘制显微镜之前,我们需要了解显微镜的基本结构。显微镜主要由以下几个部分组成: 物镜(Objective Lens):负责放大样品的镜头。 目镜(Eyepiece):观察时用的镜头,进一步放大物镜的成像。 载物台 (Stage):放置样品的平面。 光源(Light Source):提供照明的装置。
Collimationandobjectivelight:coarsepointingtarget, focusingofobjectivelens,sothatthetargetisclear.Pay attentiontoremovingparallax.Finepointingtarget. Readings: Adjusttheilluminationmirrorsothatthereadingwindowis ofmoderatebrightness.Theeyepieceoftherotatingreading microscopemakesthescribelineclearandthenreads. Manyofthem...
How does the retinal distribution of rods compare with that of cones? What is the function of the sclera? Describe two other kinds of microscopes, and discuss how they are different from the light microscope. A retinal detachment occurs when the retina sep...
Oladance is interested in context-aware wearables that interact naturally with the user in real life. Its goal is to promote integrated wearable devices and cloud applications, focusing on invisibility to the end-user and lack of wearing fatigue....
200 μl sperm extract by Celis lysis buffer with 100 mM DTT (1 × 108 sperm/ml) was applied to the first dimension after addition of 2% v/v Ampholines (pH 3.5-10). Isoelectric focusing (IEF) was performed using a Protean IEF cell and an 11 cm tray (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA)...
I noticed there are very few methods focusing on applying object detection with artificial intelligence to provide auto-generated insightful suggestions and guidance, especially for lab-related studies. Since lab-related studies rely on experiments with different types of lab equipment, I decided to bui...
DSLR Macro Photography: a Comprehensive Overview: Note: View In Steps I suggest you do view this instructable in steps, not using the ALL STEPS functionality.This instructable is long and has a lot of pictures (over 100, if memory serves right). It might
The company has put profits ahead of everything else, Pitts says. "They are reaping the rewards of focusing on only one of the targets," he says. "And that's the financial target." Boeing's shift away from "superb" engineering to satisfying shareholders happened in the late 1990s, Pitts...
With the inventions of telescope and microscope, human has the ability to know the outline of the body internal organs and also cells were observed. And thus cytobiology was born. From cytology itself to now, the medical science hasn’t yet jumped out of the scope defined by Hippocrates. So...