Mind Your Steps : Medical ethical decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit and impact of emotional burden on nurses and physicians markdownabstractAbstract This thesis assesses the effectiveness of structured multi-professional medical ethical decision-making in diminishing problems ex... J De...
Whenever faced with a difficult decision and you are not sure how to act, a good check and balance is to ask yourself this fundamental question:What would another reasonable and prudent EMS practitioner do if they were faced with the same situation I am in now?If what you are about to do...
No funding organisations were involved in the writing of the manuscript or the decision to submit the manuscript. No ethical approval was required for the analysis of the 1970 British Cohort Study and Next Steps datasets. Author statement TG: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal Analysis, Writing ...
Yanuca Youth Club President, Asiki Nasawaqa says after noticing the effects of climate change on their island, he gathered their youth and told them that no one would step in to help their village, it's up to them to stand and find a solution. Nas...