It's important to know how to hand-wash clothes in case your washing machine breaks down or you own delicate items. Click for a step by step guide.
Keep your colored clothes looking their best. Discover how to wash colored clothes with the right temperature, settings and detergent with this guide from Whirlpool brand.
干洗步骤(Drycleaningsteps) Thefirststepispretreatment,thatis,scouring.Itistouse artificialadditiveswillbeseriouslypolluteddirtand insolubleindrycleaningsolvent(ifthejuicestains,nail polish,paint,ink)preprocessing,withoutwater,firstwash clothespainted,andtheninthewaterwash. Thesecondstep,themainwashing.Putthe...
Well, washing clothes by hand offers some significant benefits like extra life for those special items in your collection. If you want to extend the life of your garments, the delicate setting option on your washing machine is a good option, but it won’t necessarily give you the best clean...
If you’re looking for a laundry guide that can help you learn the basics, Whirlpool is here to help. This guide will show you how to do laundry step by step.
STEP 3: Turn the washing machine on the delicate cycle with cool or cold water. Once the machine has filled, add a small amount of mild detergent and then the blanket. For a front-loading washing machine, use a gentle detergent and start the washing process as you normally would versus...
Now, if you have a second washbasin, go ahead and fill it with regular cold water. Do not add soap or any other substance to this water as it will be used for rinsing your clothes. You’ll begin the washing process by finding in stains in the load you are washing. Treat the stains...
7. Careful Washing:Overwashing and using excessive heatcan accelerateclothing wear and tear. Follow care labels and wash your clothes only when necessary and in cold water to extend their lifespan. 8. Donate or Sell Unwanted Items:If you have clothing that you no longer wear, consider dona...
2 - How to separate clothes for washing Very important, especially if clothes are new, is to separate the white from the color. Otherwise, the white clothes might get the coloration of the colored clothes, and lose their white. If clothes have already been washed many many times, however,...
Climate and Behaviour Project and the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) which suggests 14 small steps for greenhouse gases emissions reduction including the consumption of poultry twice a week instead of red meat, the use of cold water for washing clothes and the replacement ...