The Express byStephen Spender After the first powerful plain manifesto The black statement of pistons, without more fuss But gliding like a queen, she leaves the station. Without bowing and with restrained unconcern She passes the houses which humbly crowd outside,...
摘要: 丘宜明 译 After the first powerful, plain manifesto<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> The black statement of positions, without more fuss But gliding like a queen, she leaves the station. Without bowing and with restrained unconcern She passe...
Stephen Spender Stephen Spender’s "My Parents Kept Me from Children who were Rough" has as the focal point of the poem conveyed in the title itself. The verb ’keep’ with reference to the context of the poem implies "preventing". However‚ an analysis will bring to light that the ...
斯蒂芬·司班德 (Stephen Spender,1909-1995 )英国三十年代左翼作家,与奥登齐名。 诗歌集有《静止中心》(The Still Centre)(1939年)、《废墟与憧憬》(Ruins and Visions)(1942年)、《奉献集》(Poems of Dedication)(1947年)、《三十及其之后》(The Thirties and After)(1978年)、《中国日记》(1983年)、《日记...
(NEA is #3 and AFT is #12) – all of which donate almost exclusively to Weingarten’s team – Democrats. ActBlue, which is by far the biggest spender sees over 99 percent of its largess go to Democrats. The other four major players (Goldman Sachs, AT&T, JP Morgan and the National ...
Sir Stephen Spender was an English poet and critic, who made his reputation in the 1930s with poems expressing the politically conscience-stricken, leftist “new writing” of that period. A nephew of the Liberal journalist and biographer J.A. Spender, he