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Lee fully embraced the retro vibe of “Until I Found You” as he deftly played the piano, dressed in a bejeweled white suit. The dreamy country-pop tune kicked into high gear when Lee and Sanchez began to harmonize on the second verse, bringing a real emotional intensity to the Fantasy...
Stephen Sanchez 目前正籌備新專輯《Angel Face》,除了收錄〈Until I Found You〉,目前也已釋出三首歌曲〈Evangeline〉、〈Only Girl〉以及剛於8月4日發布的〈Be More〉並展現更出色的唱功。有別於過往作品,主題將圍繞在復仇與謀殺,講述 Evangeline、惡名昭彰的幫派成員 Hunter 與吟遊詩人 Sanchez 之間的三角戀:E...
Stephen Sanchez is following up his global hit “Until I Found You” with another throwback-sounding track, “Evangeline.” It’s no wonder it sounds retro — it samples a song that came out in 1968. Explaining how the song came together, Stephen says in a statement, “The song lyrics ...