Stephen King is known best for his novels, but he's also written over 200 short stories. This page lists a few of them with a short teaser. I try not to give away too much of the plot. I hope you find a new story to check out. If you're interested in a collection, it seems...
Creepshow II, written by Romero and based onKing’s stories, appeared in 1987. King’s teleplays include TheStand(1994), which wasbased on his novel, and Storm ofthe Century (1999), which was written expressly fortelevision broadcast. King has published numerous articles and a critical book,...
There’s no doubt thatthe man’s publishing career is impressive,but King was perhaps mostprolificwith his short stories: starting with "The Glass Floor" in 1967, he continued to write many short stories thereafter to pay the bills. So if you want a taste of King's horror but don't ha...
only two of the film’s five anthology segments were adapted from King’s pre-existing short stories, while the other segments were comprised of entirely
the essential stephen king a ranking of the greatest novels, short stories, movies, and other creations of the world's most po 下载积分:3000 内容提示: 文档格式:PDF | 页数:361 | 浏览次数:18 | 上传日期:2016-08-03 00:11:34 | 文档星级: ...
英文名著--The Mist - Stephen King.pdf,The Mist The Mist The Mist The Mist I. The Coming of the Storm. This is what happened. On the night that the worst heat wave in northern New England history finally broke-the night of uly 19-the entire western Maine
Stephen King always wanted to write and he writes. So he wrote Carrie and Salems Lot and The Shining, and the good short stories you can read in this book and a stupendous number of other stories and books and fragments and poems and essays and other unclassifiable things, most of them...
"THE BAZAAR OF BAD DREAMS"BY STEPHEN KING SCRIBNER ($30)From "The Body" - the basis for the film...Wright, Wendeline O
The Complete Stephen King Universe is the only definitive reference work that examines all of Stephen Kings novels, short stories, motion pictures, miniseries, and teleplays, and deciphers the threads that exist in all of his work. This ultimate resource includes in-depth story analysis, character...
many of which have been adapted to various film types. With plethora of awards under his belt, every single of King’s fans would want to explore every single work that he’s done so far, including some of the short stories that he has published. The best part about this is that some...