First published as a novella in King's 2010 collectionFull Dark, No Stars,1922was then adapted by writer/directorZak Hilditchfor a 2017 Netflix film. Set in the titular year, it follows Wilfred "Wilf" James (Thomas Jane), a farmer who enlists his teenage son (Dylan Schmid) in the murd...
Stephen King has another case of "What the heck were you thinking" with a simple story that of course goes insanely complicated. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Stephen King's Thinner.Come see us at Grand Rapids Comic Con - by Jayhan - https://www.yo...
eventually relocating to Brooklyn. She’s played throughout the U.S., Europe, and Canada, toured with Kaki King, Neko Case, and Beirut, and has been featured in Pitchfork, NPR, and even Buzzfeed
STEPHEN HAWKING WAS an icon of twentieth-century science, renowned for both his contributions to physics and his inspiring battle against motor neuron disease. But four years after his death, Charles Seife’sHawking Hawkingpaints a different picture. As indicated by its provocative title, this book...
America is a “land of opportunity,” that is, if you are on the right side of the carnival game. This fall’scinematic completionof Stephen King’s classic novelIt, directed again as a labor of love by Andy Muschietti, opens with a grown man defeating a little girl in one such street...
King: no no dean! He didn’t mean it like that! King: it’s just the way that lovable british curmudgeons talk! Koontz: [sobbing] why [sob] did [sob] he [sob] say [sob] those [sob] things — The Midnight Society (@midnight_pals)July 19, 2022 ...
“Negative Theology of the Child from ‘The King of Tars’”— Sonia Sulaiman “The Bestiary” — Diana Dima (Poem) “If I Should Fall Behind” — Douglas Smith “A Summer Soup to Cure Magical Thinking” — Kim Harbridge “Your Great Mother Across the Salt Sea” — Kelsey Hutton ...
“I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, for his eyes are on the sparrow, andI know he watches me.” (by Civilia Martin, 1905) Crystal Wade, © 2023 Question:After reading the story of Suzanne and Dan in your bookPure Joy, I noticed how you said that they asked...
Well let’s start withThe Mote in God’s Eye. The Niven and Pournelle team-up was formative for me because their voices were so interesting individually, but that story meshes so seamlessly (unlike say a Peter Straub/ Stephen King mashup which worked so brilliantly *because* of the slight ...
Watching this show with my family at a beach house in Oregon at the beginning of 2020 is a special memory for me because it was before the pandemic. Some of the last truly pandemic-free memories I’ll ever have. King’s book,The Outsider, is one of my favorite books that he’s rele...