Stephen King(斯蒂芬·金)简介 金于1947年9月21日出生在缅因州的波特兰。 就像他第一部小说(《嘉莉》)的主人公一样,金在金還是个蹣跚学步的孩子時,他的父亲离开后由一个单身母亲抚养长大。 他从小就是一个令人难以置信的贪婪的读者,后来就读于缅因州大学奥罗诺分校,获得了英语学士学位。 正是在那里,他遇到了他...
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Stephen King, whose first novel, Carrie, was published in 1974, the year before the last US troops withdrew from Vietnam, is the first hugely popular writer of the TV generation. Images from that war - and the protests against it - had flooded America's living rooms for a decade. ...
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King’s first horror novelCarriewas published in 1973, meaning he’s been terrifying readers for nearly half a century. The writer’s mind seems to be endlessly creative; time and time again, he’s taken a worn-out topic like demonic possession or vampirism and breathed new life into it,...
From iconic titles likeCarrieandThe Shiningto the epicDark Towerseries, King's works span a variety of genres, from horror and fantasy to drama and mystery. Whether you're drawn to psychological thrills, supernatural elements, or unforgettable characters, there is something in King's vast library...