他的小说多以底特律为背景,人称“Dickens of Detroit”(底特律的狄更斯)。 2013年的今天(Aug 20),这位作家去世,享寿87岁。 他就是传奇畅销美国小说家Elmore Leonard. 如果你还没读过他的作品,下面两个网站供你参考: https://www.elmoreleonar...
Stephen King is an American novelist and short-story writer whose books are credited with reviving the horror fiction genre in the late 20th century. His books gain their effect from realistic detail, forceful plotting, and King’s ability to involve and
What is Stephen King's favorite book he wrote? Authors are often shy about picking favorites among their own children (well, books in this case). King has said he has a particular fondness for Lisey's Story, IT, and some of his short stories, like The Body (which became the movie ...
How To Read Every Stephen King Book In Order 12/8/2024 by Pauli Poisuo Slash Film Stephen King Refused To Cameo In A Simpsons Episode That Paid Tribute To Him 12/7/2024 by Michael Boyle Slash Film Tom Hiddleston “Never Liked Him”: Laura Benanti Opens Up About Zachary Levi & On-Set...
凯丽 [美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King斯蒂芬·金的处女作,创作于1974年。故事讲述在美国新英格兰地区的一个小镇上,十七岁的高中女生凯丽过着悲惨的生活。在学校,她受尽同学们的欺辱,在家则生活在宗教狂母亲的阴影中。她不知自己拥有一种神奇的力量……在毕业舞会上,这力量爆发了,顷刻间将学校、甚至小镇化为灰烬…… ...
史蒂芬.金 Stephen King《賓士先生》三部曲震撼完結篇! Goodreads書評網「年度佳懸疑小說」! 紐約時報、今日美國報等各大暢銷排行榜Top 1! 書店當月佳書籍!讀者4.5星一致盛讚! 已改編拍成美劇,IMDb網站佳評如潮! ◎專文導讀城堡岩小鎮粉絲頁創立人/劉韋廷別以為壞的已經過去了, 別以為惡有惡報, 「他」和你之...
Stephen King沒有書的人生是乾枯的人生, 少了史蒂芬.金的小說,人生也將同樣乏味! ●榮獲英國恐怖小說作家協會「史鐸克獎」! ●榮獲第2屆「黑色羽毛筆獎」年度闇黑小說! ●囊括紐約時報、出版家週刊、邦諾書店、美國獨立書商協會、丹佛郵報、洛杉磯時報等6大暢銷排行榜冠軍! 老天永遠會在想像不到的地方降下懲罰...
Under the Domegained attention when it became a television series in 2013. The book explores what happens when an invisible force field falls on the town of Chester’s Mill, cutting it off from the rest of the world. This is a work of sci-fi genius. Unlike other King novels, the main...
Fun facts:Hearts in Atlantisfeatures a number of connections and references to King’sDark Towerseries. 1. "Low Men in Yellow Coats" 2. "Hearts in Atlantis" 3. "Blind Willie" 4. "Why We're in Vietnam" 5. "Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling" ...
Based on King's novella The Body, this coming-of-age story follows four young friends who embark on a journey to find the body of a missing boy in their town. Set in 1950s Oregon and told through a series of flashbacks narrated by the adult version of main character Gord...