评分☆☆☆ On Writing 英文原版 斯蒂芬金 论写作这回事 创作生涯回忆录 现货正版进口全英文版原版英语书籍 Stephen King pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 facebooklinkedinmastodonmessengerpinterestreddittelegramtwittervibervkontaktewhatsapp复制链接 查看全网最低价...
Citing examples of his work and those of his contemporaries, King gives an excellent masterclass on writing - how to use the tools of the trade from building characters to pace and plotting as well as practical advice on presentation. And King tells readers how he got to be a No. 1 ...
文化典籍 [斯蒂芬·金(Stephen.King)小说集.英文版].Stephen.King.-.The.Boogeyman 热度: Stephen KING IT Thisbookisgratefullydedicatedtomychildren.Mymotherandmywifetaughtmehowtobeaman. Mychildrentaughtmehowtobefree. NAOMIRACHELKING,atfourteen; JOSEPHHILLSTROMKING,attwelve; ...
凯丽 [美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King斯蒂芬·金的处女作,创作于1974年。故事讲述在美国新英格兰地区的一个小镇上,十七岁的高中女生凯丽过着悲惨的生活。在学校,她受尽同学们的欺辱,在家则生活在宗教狂母亲的阴影中。她不知自己拥有一种神奇的力量……在毕业舞会上,这力量爆发了,顷刻间将学校、甚至小镇化为灰烬…… ...
this book is better than your mom Guest6 years ago Stephen King is an amazing writer. We are lucky to have his body of work to rxplore. I love how he includes Maine in a lot of his novels. I lived in Maine for a couple of years; it was a real culture shock moving there from ...
Kneeling, he shoved it out on to the carpet at an angle and peered in. They were bivouacking by the footlocker, damned if they werent. Miniature soldiers ran hither and thither, setting up tents. Jeeps two inches high raced about importantly. A medic was working over the soldier Renshaw ...
一号书迷-(美)斯蒂芬·金(StephenKing)著胡寄扬.pdf,第一部安妮 当你研究深渊的时候, 它也在研究你。 弗里德利克 尼采 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 咿咿咿咿嗯嗯嗯嗯 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 啡 昂昂昂昂 这声音在茫茫雾海 中显得尤为清晰。 但有时声音也会像伤痛一样逐渐减弱 ,只
[斯蒂芬·金(Stephen.King)小说集.英文版].Stephen.King.-.It 热度: SecretWindow,SecretGarden TwoPASTMIDNIGHT: Anoteon'SecretWindow,SecretGarden' I'moneofthosepeoplewhobelievethatlifeisaseriesofcycles-wheelswithinwheels,somemeshingwithothers,some
Stephen King Offers Fans Snips of Book on Web Site.Reports on the effort of best-selling thriller writer Stephen King to give opportunity for fans to download the serial novel `The Plant' directly from his Web site. Cost per download.
and what I had hoped might happen did happen: a book rolled out that was a kind of fraternal twin to the one I had written under my own name (and the two books were quite literally written back-to- back, the King book finished on one day and the Bachman book commenced on the very...