Stephen King recommends 96 books in On Writing. A complete list of the titles is availablehere. Before recommending these books, King gives the reader the following preamble: “As you scan this list, please remember that I’m not Oprah and this isn’t my book club. These are the ones th...
Over 7K filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best Stephen King Movies. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, The Green Mile
一号书迷-(美)斯蒂芬·金(StephenKing)著胡寄扬.pdf,第一部安妮 当你研究深渊的时候, 它也在研究你。 弗里德利克 尼采 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 咿咿咿咿嗯嗯嗯嗯 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 啡 昂昂昂昂 这声音在茫茫雾海 中显得尤为清晰。 但有时声音也会像伤痛一样逐渐减弱 ,只
[澳]史蒂芬·金/[美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King地球的各端,都存在著桃樂絲的秘密。唯有史蒂芬金能為弱勢的她們發聲,尖叫出,有限世界裡一陣陣漫無邊際的酸楚。 全美暢銷書排行榜第一名,再次進入史蒂芬金真情流露的恐怖情境! 本書是恐怖小說大師史蒂芬.金繼《綠色奇蹟》《刺激1995》的另一本暢銷巨著。全書經由主角桃...
Stephen KingThe Green Mile. Those who walk it do not return -- because at the end of that walk, at the Cold Mountain penitentiary, is the room in which sits the electric chair. It is 1932. The newest inhabitant of Death Row is a giant black man, John Coffey, convicted -- apparently...
Stephen KingThe Green Mile. Those who walk it do not return -- because at the end of that walk, at the Cold Mountain penitentiary, is the room in which sits the electric chair. It is 1932. The newest inhabitant of Death Row is a giant black man, John Coffey, convicted -- apparently...
Over 7K filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best Stephen King Movies. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, The Green Mile
ByStephen King This book will leave you seriously suspicious of man’s best friend.Cujois a disturbing novel about a good-natured St. Bernard, who never so much as growled at anyone until he was bitten by a rabid bat. With rabies coursing through his system, Cujo turns vicious and kills...
She is also one of the few Stephen King protagonists to die. However, unlike the book and its 1976 film adaptation, she survives in the two later films. Carrie is not killed in the second adaptation in 2002. The 2013 remake of Carrie later teased the possibility that Carrie was not ...
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