[澳]史蒂芬·金/[美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King地球的各端,都存在著桃樂絲的秘密。唯有史蒂芬金能為弱勢的她們發聲,尖叫出,有限世界裡一陣陣漫無邊際的酸楚。 全美暢銷書排行榜第一名,再次進入史蒂芬金真情流露的恐怖情境! 本書是恐怖小說大師史蒂芬.金繼《綠色奇蹟》《刺激1995》的另一本暢銷巨著。全書經由主角桃...
Stephen KingThe Green Mile. Those who walk it do not return -- because at the end of that walk, at the Cold Mountain penitentiary, is the room in which sits the electric chair. It is 1932. The newest inhabitant of Death Row is a giant black man, John Coffey, convicted -- apparently...
Stephen KingThe Green Mile. Those who walk it do not return -- because at the end of that walk, at the Cold Mountain penitentiary, is the room in which sits the electric chair. It is 1932. The newest inhabitant of Death Row is a giant black man, John Coffey, convicted -- apparently...
凯丽 [美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King斯蒂芬·金的处女作,创作于1974年。故事讲述在美国新英格兰地区的一个小镇上,十七岁的高中女生凯丽过着悲惨的生活。在学校,她受尽同学们的欺辱,在家则生活在宗教狂母亲的阴影中。她不知自己拥有一种神奇的力量……在毕业舞会上,这力量爆发了,顷刻间将学校、甚至小镇化为灰烬…… ...
一号书迷-(美)斯蒂芬·金(StephenKing)著胡寄扬.pdf,第一部安妮 当你研究深渊的时候, 它也在研究你。 弗里德利克 尼采 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 咿咿咿咿嗯嗯嗯嗯 褐色 的呜嗯嗯嗯嗯 啡 昂昂昂昂 这声音在茫茫雾海 中显得尤为清晰。 但有时声音也会像伤痛一样逐渐减弱 ,只
King is the recipient of the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to the American Letters and the 2014 National Medal of Arts. Stephen lives in Maine and Florida with his wife, novelist Tabitha King. They are regular contributors to a number of charities including ...
If you are looking for an engaging read and want to be kept on your toes throughout the story, pick up a Stephen King book. However, know that you may be a little scared and jumpy after reading it, so consider something different for your before-bed reading. ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《Unit13 (3) what do you think of the new stephen king book(1)》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
The book is far creepier and sadistic than the film, and King excels at writing psychopathic inner dialogue and capturing how people descend into chaos。 That being said, this may be one of those rare moments that the film is better than the book。 Once again I think it This novella was...
5 Unit 15 (2) So what would you do if you found a lot of money 1368 2021-04 6 Unit13 (1) do you wanna see a movie tonight(2) 940 2021-04 7 Unit13 (2) you never saw johnny depp(2) 715 2021-04 8 Unit13 (3) what do you think of the new stephen king book(1) ...