作者:Stephen King 出版社:株式会社 出版时间:2001 装帧:精装 尺寸:19.5 × 13.8 cm 页数:348页 正文语种:日语 售价¥90.00 品相九品 发货 承诺48小时内发货 上书时间2018-05-12 数量 仅1件在售,欲购从速 立即购买 八年老店 嘻游记 店铺等级 资质认证 ...
链接:写作的态度- On Writing, Stephen King 关于Stephen King: He is an American author of horror, suspense, crime, and science-fiction novels, described as the "King of Horror". He has published 64 novels, and about 200 short stories. Very productive. (Wikipedia) 当然最被人熟知的是他的作品...
作者:StephenKing出版社:Scribner出版时间:2017年05月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥109.00 配送至 广东广州市 至北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。 关联商品 英语语法和文体练习册论写作这回事韦洛克拉丁语读物经典英文写作指南即时单词的力量30天提高英语技能选择正确的词标点符号用...
< On Writing - Stephen King - Science Fiction Novel英文版科幻小说搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
Back in the year 2000, Stephen King published his book, On Writing, a memoir of the craft. 2000 年,斯蒂芬-金出版了《論寫作》一書,這是一本關於寫作技巧的回憶錄。 Since then, it's become the go-to book for new writers. 從那時起,這本書就成了新作家的必讀書。 It's hard to find...
评分☆☆☆ On Writing 英文原版 斯蒂芬金 论写作这回事 创作生涯回忆录 现货正版进口全英文版原版英语书籍 Stephen King pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 facebooklinkedinmastodonmessengerpinterestreddittelegramtwittervibervkontaktewhatsapp复制链接 查看全网最低价...
偶然看到这本老金谈写作的书还是蛮兴奋的,因为一直想知道老金怎么有源源不断的灵感来支撑那么多的故事,想知道老金怎么设计的情节让每一章都有一个悬念,于是特意去看了英文版的On Writing。 读了之后,却有点小失望,老金的确谈到了他通常怎么得到灵感,却在具体怎么写作上写了一些任何一个编辑作家写作老师谈到写作...
For the first time, here s an intimate autobiographical portrait of his home life, his family and his traumatic recent accident. Citing examples of his work and those of his contemporaries, King gives an excellent masterclass on writing - how to use the tools of the trade from building ...
King next turns to the basic tools of his trade--how to sharpen and multiply them through use, and how the writer must always have them close at hand. He takes the reader through crucial aspects of the writer's art and life, offering practical and inspiring advice on everything from ...
501-On Writing-Stephen King- Novel Writing-2000Barack2024/01/07《On Writing》,首版于2000年。这本精彩的书一半是回忆录,一半是有史以来最畅销的作家之一的大师课,它对作家的技巧进行了富有启发性和实用性的看法,包括每个作家都必须具备的基本写作工具。 金的建议基于他从童年到成为一名作家的生动记忆。Stephen...