Age67 years old #16,008Most Popular Boost About British actor, comedian, radio personality, and journalist. He first gained recognition for collaborating withHugh Lauriein the comedy duo Fry and Laurie. He has played roles in such films asV for Vendetta,A Fish Called Wanda, Sherlock Holmes: ...
Wikipedia: Comedian Stephen Fry wasbornon the 24th of August 1957 (age62 years old) in Hampstead, London, England, United Kingdom. His parents are Alan John Fry (father), physicist and inventor and Marianne Eve Fry (mother). The actor was raised in Norfolk along with his elderbrother, Ro...
Stephen Fry is an award-winning comedian, actor, presenter and director. He rose to fame alongside Hugh Laurie in A Bit of Fry and Laurie (which he co-wrote with Laurie) and Jeeves and Wooster, and was unforgettable as General Melchett in Blackadder. He
Stephen Fryis a prolific English actor, comedian, author, director, broadcaster, and journalist who gained immense popularity with shows likeA Bit of Fry & Laurie,Blackadder,Absolute Power, etc. He is also well-known for hosting the quiz showQIand the travel series,Stephen Fry in America. He...
我们不仅是弥尔顿与济慈的语言继承人,还继承了大盗杜尔平,《雾都孤儿》当中的少年贼头机灵鬼,禁酒令作家达米安.鲁宁(Damon Runyon),性手枪乐队主唱约翰尼.莱顿,情景喜剧《只有傻瓜和马》的男主Del Boy,说唱歌星Tupac Shakur,长寿肥皂剧《加冕街》,还有喜剧角色艾迪娜夫人(Dame Edna Everage)——太多纷繁复杂的声音...
出生日期:1957年8月24日 出生地:英国,伦敦,汉普斯特德 更多中文名:史蒂芬·弗莱 / 油炸叔(昵称) 更多外文名:Stephen John Fry (本名) 家庭成员:Alan John Fry(父) / Marianne Eve Fry(母) / Elliott Spencer(夫) IMDb编号:nm0000410 职业:演员 / 编剧 / 制片人 / 作者 / 译者 ...
Stephen Fry. Actor: Gosford Park. Writer, actor, comedian, doer of good works, excellent good friend to the famous and not, Fry lives in his London SW1 flat and his Norfolk house when not traveling. Famous for his public declaration of celibacy in the "T
Stephen Fry: A Life On Screen 2015 演员- 自己 Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me 2014 演员- 自己 一部关于糖的电影 2014 8.8 演员- 自己 小巨人 3D 2014 9.3 演员- 自己 (饰 旁白) 隐秘王国 2014 9.5 演员- 自己 Russia's Open Book: Writing in the Age of Putin 2013 演员- 自己 视角栏目:铜...
后来他想称为一名演员,去了Guildhall School Of Music & Drama学校学习,并在1999年取得学位,授以金奖。他把自己祖父的名字作为演员的艺名:Campbell Moore。他的演艺生涯从剧院开始,他加入了the Royal Shakespeare Company( 英国皇家莎士比亚剧团)在 the Royal National Theater演出。2003年,Stephen Fry (炸...
IT之家 7 月 5 日消息,近日,英国歌手兼词曲作者蒂姆・阿诺德(Tim Arnold)发布了一张名为《超级连接》(Super Connected)的新专辑,其中包含了一段由著名演员斯蒂芬・弗莱(Stephen Fry)参演的 Vision Pro 恶搞广告。然而该专辑却遭到了 Apple Music 的禁播,原因是苹果公司不喜欢这种虚构的广告形式。