如果你只需要查看STEP文件而无需进行编辑,一些软件和查看器也是不错的选择:FreeCAD: FreeCAD是一款开源的三维CAD建模软件,支持STEP文件的导入和查看。STP Viewer: STP Viewer是一个专门用于查看STEP文件的免费工具,简单易用。eDrawings Viewer: eDrawings Viewer由SolidWorks开发,支持多种3D文件格式,包括STEP。三...
此外,还有一些免费的Step文件查看器,如eDrawings Viewer、FreeCAD等,它们专门用于浏览和查看Step文件,不具备编辑功能,但可以方便地查看和检查模型。综上所述,要打开Step文件,你可以使用AutoCAD、SolidWorks、CATIA等专业的CAD软件,或者选择一些免费的Step文件查看器。根据你的需求,选择合适的软件进行操作,以便浏览...
3、查看器:如果你只是想查看Step文件而无需进行编辑,你可以使用专门的Step文件查看器。这些查看器通常较轻量,运行速度快,是一个方便的选择。例如,STP Viewer、FreeCAD中的查看模式等。四、如何打开Step文件 现在,让我们详细了解如何在不同的软件中打开Step文件。1、 在AutoCAD中打开Step文件 打开AutoCAD软件。选...
(.stp) for 3D and assembly are often used by all major mechanical CAD systems. With our absolutely free STP Viewer you can easily open 3D files (*.stp), rotate them and perform some basic actions like: zoom, rotate, move or change skin.DownloadSTP viewer and start viewing the world in...
Start Your Free Trial "*" indicates required fields I have read HCLSoftware’sPrivacy Policyand agree to the terms and conditions. A Modern STEP File Viewer Open STP and STEP files with Glovius. View 3D data, Product Structure, Attributes, PMI, and GD&T. ...
With wireframe and rotateing in the same time you can see all elements that created 3D object as one whole. All these elements that we mentioned in the text above are implemented in our STP viewer, and the best of all is that STP viewer is a FREE tool. ...
1,VariCAD viewer 软件 下载地址:https://wwf.lanzouw.com/iLllf0er0beh 密码:8ogv VARICAD Viewer 是一个简单小巧的免费软件(大小仅39.2M),可用作 STEP 文件查看器,同时还是一款免费的转换器和打印软件,可处理 2D DWG、DXF、3D STEP 和 3D/2D VariCAD 文件格式,支持STEP 文件转换和批量转换为 ...
Image below display how will look like opened 3D object in STP viewer Tree view windows you can show or hide for bigger workground Image below display how will look like opened 3D object in STP viewer Support STP Viewer $5$10$15$20...
Free 3D imports x x x Move in the scene x x x Display the object hierarchy x x x Show room x x x Display point of views, annotations and animations x x x Export HTML that can be view with the Clari3D Web viewer x x x
Parameters of 3D section: Distance, Azimuth, Inclination Aligning a section plane with the YZ, XZ, or XY plane Creating a section view of a 3D model 3D sectioning in CST CAD Navigator Do you want to try STEP Viewer for macOS? START YOUR FREE 30-DAY TRIAL...