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Scsf^crt ± EecjrcRpeE .GeGjri^P*^ Ser xLeGr ju .-Ser/EePravi 浦bS Man .3HMP SQMSeivtel 3: ■:生:国:田: + Sip .SrpExiensicii .泗 mfltqe 5loTaCP SysrenlrTTDr + EysbenRcsD 王…Table PC + Temral ser Nane 些]饵右fault} 可 BootExecjte 样|Ditica5EEmn …理]ExdLde^rar...
dFrothme tBheFSa.boMvoerveaolvidear,tiothne, itvcaalindbateiofonunfodrthpaatrttihceleprdeespenotsimtioondevl ecalonciattylewasatsacccounrdautecltyedpreindicat upnariftoicrlme ddepuocts.itiFornombehthaveioarbsoivnea vuanliifdoartmiond,ucitt. cManoreboevefor,utnhde ptrheastentht eCFpDremseo...
Very fine pearlite persisted in the microstructures, even after applying a cooling rate of 50 ◦C/s, however these small areas with extremely fine laths did not prevent the retention of up to 16% of retained austenite, and high total elongation A5mm above 40% was still reached for these ...
Scsf^crt ± EecjrcRpeE .GeGjri^P*^ Ser xLeGr ju .-Ser/EePravi 浦bS Man .3HMP SQMSeivtel 3: ■:生:国:田: + Sip .SrpExiensicii .泗 mfltqe 5loTaCP SysrenlrTTDr + EysbenRcsD 王…Table PC + Temral ser Nane 些]饵右fault} 可 BootExecjte 样|Ditica5EEmn …理]ExdLde^rar...