the surviving spouse receives a step-up in basis for community property. In states without community property provisions, jointly owned property, such as stock in ajoint brokerage account, receives only half the step-up in cost basis compared to what it would receive in a community property sta...
First, you’ll fill out your personal information including your name, address, Social Security number, andtax filing status. You can choose from Single, Married Filing Separately, Married Filing Jointly, Qualifying Surviving Spouse, orHead of Household. While you can stop here and allow your emp...
Curl up and unwind with this devotional, and let these wise and compassionate women provide a soothing balm for the challenges faced by today’s stepmoms. 10. Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t – by Patricia L. Papernow Surviving and Thriving in...
appreciatedassetsinorder toallowasurvivingspousetoinheritsuchassets(withouttaxbecauseofthemaritaldeduction),to takeanewincometaxbasis,andthentosellthemwithoutpayinganycapitalgainstax.Iftheexisting step-upinbasisformeasuringtaxablecapitalgainsisreplacedwithalessgenerousone,older taxpayerswithestatesthatarelargein...
s about time that your guests should be leaving. The best way to avoid guests who stay past the appointed hour is to set up a few things before the shower starts. Things like scheduling the time when the expectant mom will be picked up, or your spouse and kids arriving home. Usually ...
Another approach for avoiding probate is to keep joint accounts with someone else, such as a spouse. Joint accounts often allow the surviving account holder to take full ownership of the account after the other party’s death, without going through probate. However, it is critical to name cont...