34. “Running is alone time that lets my brain unspool the tangles that build up over days…I run, pound it out on the pavement, channel that energy into my legs, and when I’m done with my run, I’m done with it.”— Rob Haneisen 35. “Never underestimate the power that one g...
3,615,123sq.mi.(9,375,720sq.km.)Cf:AlmostaslargeaswholeEurope:9,900,000sqkm;38timesofthattheUK:244,820sqkm;17ofFrance,thelargestcountryinWestEurope:547,030sqkm)CulturalPointsforReference •2)IdeallivingenvironmentformanyAmericans:to escapebothisolationandcrowds.Peoplehaveflockedtothesuburbs....