I had always wanted to go to Europe. Back in 2020, my brother and I were going to take my mom to Italy. However, the trip was cancelled due to covid. So, when one of my family friend asked if I’d like to go to the UK in April 2023, I thought it would be nice. Jasper, ...
Harper Lee’s sister, Alice Lee – an Alabama lawyer, took care of most of her legal affairs. She passed away in November of 2014. On 3 February 2015, Harper Collins announced they had acquired the manuscript and the rights to publishGo Set A Watchman. Despite the reports that Harper Lee...
My dad can vouch for this but my sister and I heard this performed out in Saratoga and immediately called and told him to learn it because we never want to see live music again without Summer of ’69. Credit to him because he did learn it and he’s played it every time we’re both...
Our baby skunks were rejected by their mother at birth. We had no choice but to do our best to keep them alive and hand rear them. They were all under average birth weight and really shouldn’t have made it but they did! We had to hand feed them every two hours t...