“Step on a LEGO”不仅仅是一个网络梗,它还在一定程度上反映了人们对日常生活中的小烦恼的调侃态度。这个梗被广泛应用于各种表情包、段子甚至广告中,成为了一种文化符号。同时,它也提醒人们在玩乐高时注意安全,避免意外受伤。 综上所述,“Step on a LEGO”是一个具有广泛影响力的网络梗,其起源、传播原因和文...
《藤壶》是韩国漫画家TTeulsae(뜰새)、delete根据Step on a LEGO(레고밟았어)原著小说改编的漫画,中国大陆于2022年7月30日在咚漫漫画平台连载, 第一季于2023年3月2日完结,共43话。剧情简介 寄生于尸体的死亡藤壶,生死难料,末日来临!一座与世隔绝的无人小岛——窟德岛的灯塔管理员李御真像...
请你形容踩上乐高积木心情 I hope you step on a lego。?没有人会像对待钉子一类的尖锐物品一样提...
分类:漫画大全作者:BONIEE,Step on a LEGO,Redicestudio人气:146625更新时间:2024-01-08 17:43:22 菜鸟在异世界被摩擦漫画最新章节列表 152 恼羞成怒 151 最终BOSS 150 扑朔迷离 149 道具融合 148 最后一道关卡 147 不配 146 破坏熔炉 145 奥兹老巢 ...
I am a huge fan of LEGO and finding a way to live happily with it was important to me. I didn’t want bricks all over the house and I most certainly didn’t want to step on a LEGO brick! Ouch!! Today I’m sharing our LEGO organization and storage system. I wanted my son to...
worse than a Lego block to step on 5 months ago 1 Syncarpia glomulifera seed pod. View:original size When I was much younger and new too little, I planted the tree in my garden. I did not know that it would make about a tonne of seed each year that would lay on the ground. ...
Hi everyone, here is my submission to lego idea.My build “First Step on the Moon” represents the iconic moment when the American astronaut set foot ...
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch LEGO 2K Drive– Welcome to Bricklandia, home of a massive open-world LEGO driving adventure. Race anywhere, play with anyone, build your dream rides and defeat a cast of wild racing rivals for the coveted Sky Trophy! InLEGO 2K Drive, your awesome transformin...
“It was critical for us during the design process to craft products that were not just fun to build but were beautiful pieces of décor that you’d want to have on display and bring you a bit of that focus and joy you felt as you put them together!”says LEGO. ...
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch LEGO 2K Drive– Welcome to Bricklandia, home of a massive open-world LEGO driving adventure. Race anywhere, play with anyone, build your dream rides and defeat a cast of wild racing rivals for the coveted Sky Trophy! InLEGO 2K Drive, your awesome transformin...