STEP-HFpEF-DM试验显示,在患有HFpEF合并2型糖尿病的肥胖患者中,每周一次皮下注射司美格鲁肽在改善体重和患者导向的52周生活质量方面优于安慰剂。 思考 该试验结果显示,在患有HFpEF和2型糖尿病的肥胖患者中,每周一次皮下注射司美格鲁...
#今日行业热点#①The Lancet:Semaglutide versus placebo in people with obesity-related heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a pooled analysis of the STEP-HFpEF and STEP-HFpEF DM randomised trials 司美格鲁肽(Semaglutide)对比安慰剂在肥胖相关射血分数保留型心力衰竭(HFpEF)患者中的比较:一项对STE...
In the STEP-HFpEF trial, semaglutide improved symptoms, physical limitations and exercise function and reduced body weight in patients with obesity phenotype of heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). This prespecified analysis examined the effects of semaglutide on dual primary endpoints ...