I believe the NIST analyzer is only looking for valid STEP file structure - I don't think it does anything to valid if the geometry represented by the contents is "good" or not. So it's a good "high level check", but probably does not help in this case. For the post of the LOG...
I have been trying to send a customer STEP files of parts and assemblies that were created in SolidWorks. My customer is opening the STEP files in Pro-E. They are not opening up perfectly, however. He is running log files when importing and a lot of errors are showing up. Sometimes the...
Note: This is just tutorial showing how to use Arc tool, not showing any product drawing or designing in it. If you are advanced SolidWorks user please avoid it. ThisSolidworkstutorial is for beginners, students or people likes to learn about SolidWorks.CheckoutBest SolidWorks Training Materialsh...
I recently Download a STEP file of a model and I am trying to open it in SOLIDWORKS. I did extract it properly and had worked with STEP files before But still this time it's not working. It is showing the following Error " The model is outside the 1000m modelling limit " ...
19、fileforacrisiswhichissodangerous,notonlyforthepeopleinPalestineandinIsrael,butintheregion,thereisafear-andthisisprobablywhytherewasalargeconsensusonthismeetingtodiscusstheissue-becausethesituationinthispartoftheworldissovolatile,sodangerous,soimportanttocontrolthateverybodythinksthattheyhavesomethin 20、gtocontr...