8 写作过程step by step - 写前Organize(3):四个步骤mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzk0MDE3MzA2Ng==&mid=2247483960&idx=1&sn=2ca1580bb070fbc3a85648fc2519df06&chksm=c2e4f05df593794b6d4bed80015d9a6dfe78ba62e6deb81825d64134a0602e7da5a70593bd90&token=1483895347 =zh_CN#rd...
Plan是写前的重要一步。 它有助于启动我们空白的大脑去思考。 写前Plan中讲到,要写出高质量的文章,确定话题后,我们一定要弄清楚我们的读者是谁,写作目的是什么,并且尝试蹭热点。 但有同学反馈说,即使知道了这四要素,自己还是写不出来。 作为一个写作过来人,我太能明白大家的痛点所在了,毕竟我自己也是这样走过来...
正因为这样,提前做好写作计划才更加重要。 当我们坐下来写作时,一个清楚的plan会让写作更高效,更有条理。 除了plan,预留专门用于写作的时段,也是不错的办法。 plan时,需要考虑的因素主要有:话题、读者、体裁、风格、热点、研究、作者和目的。 下面重点谈一下话题、读者、热点、目的。 1 话题和读者 话题与读者通...
A step-by-step plan 是单数。一个循序渐进的计划
ado prior to take off in an airplane 做在之前離開在飛機 [translate] aWith a definite step-by-step plan you cannot fail because each step will carry you along to the next step like a track. 以一个确定逐步的计划,因为每步将运载您到下一个步骤象轨道,您不可能无法。 [translate] ...
It takes a long time to plan a wedding; you have to take it step by step. 请注意 短语step on it 的意思就是让某人快一点儿、行动起来。 例句 We'll have to hurry if you're going to make the 17.15 train – come on, step o...
Here is a handy guide to help you pass your driving test, step by step. It takes a long time to plan a wedding; you have to take it step by step. 请注意 短语step on it 的意思就是让某人快一点儿、行动起来。 例句 We'll have to hurry if you're going to make the 17.15 train –...
百度试题 结果1 题目A step-by-step plan by another friendmade cartooning seems simple, so I tried it.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 seems→seem
Install the entrance frame and also the one side fence wall of the veranda!! Both would be easy to plan using dismantled pallet slats! Build the veranda roof or shelter by putting flat slats of pallets one by one after getting them resized! Keep the front edges of the veranda roof in V...
It takes a long time to plan a wedding; you have to take it step by step. 请注意 短语step on it 的意思就是让某人快一点儿、行动起来。 例句 We'll have to hurry if you're going to make the 17.15 train – come on, step on it!