Robotic Total Pelvic Exenteration With Intracorporeal Sigmoid Conduit and Colostomy: Step-by-Step TechniqueMauriceMatthew J.RamirezDanielGorgunEmreHaberGeorges-PascalUROLOGY -NEW JERSEY THEN NEW YORK-
18、ry disorders, the ph and paco2 change in opposite directions; in metabolic disorders the ph and paco2 change in the same direction.acidosisrespiratoryph paco2 acidosismetabolic&ph paco2 alkalosisrespiratoryph paco2 alkalosismetabolicph paco2 step 4: is there a 19、ppropriate compensation for the...
The conduit and left end colostomy are matured (Fig. 3). The technique is performed entirely intracorporeally with specimen extraction through the anus, avoiding a large open incision. Results We present the case of a high-functioning (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 1) 73...
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