I do not carry it around by weeping, and like crying. I believe in dumping it. Part III - B1 Punch bags with pictures of their boss Laughing at it. Tape script: A: Apparently, I don't know if this is true, but inJapan, if factory workers get a bit uptight or angry, they can...
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step-by-step-3000-第二册-Unit1-原文及答案.doc,step-by-step-3000-第二册-Unit1-原文及答案 PAGE 1 Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from W
春节The Spring Festival 农历lunar calendar 正月lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕New Year’s Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival 习俗Customs 过年Guo—nian; have the Spring Festival 对联poetic couplet: two successive rhyming line...
A. Keywords. earthquake, hit, killed, estimated, Richter Scale, shaken, measuring, struck, epicentered, magnitude.
Step by Step 3000. Book 2. Unit 1. Happy family life. Part 1. Warming up. A. Keywords. family, name, age. Vocabulary. architect, Wales. Supply the missing information about the Porter family according to what you hear. Mr William Porter is very old, he is 87, and Mrs Catherine ...
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stepbystep3000第二册-unit2答案 Unit 2 Shaping and reshaping personalityUnit 2 Shaping and reshaping personality Part I-APart I-A 1- h, 2-d, 3-j, 4-k, 5-b, 6-i, 7-g, 8-e, 9-l, 10-f, 11-c, 12-a Tape script:Tape script: 1. Taurus April 21- May12, is represented by...
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