My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was ~1.5 years old. I had sent her to several intervention programs such as Hana program and speech therapies at several centers in Singapore. When my daughter was 5 years old, and still could not really make any verbal requests. I discussed ...
Therefore,anticancertherapiesthattargetRNAsseemtobe onestepcloserto beinganewclassofanticancerdrug. 因此,靶标RNA的抗癌治疗似乎让我们向寻找一类新的抗癌药物跨近了一步。 9. Whensomeonesays,"Youandyourideasarevalued,"youknowboth youandyourideasareastepclosertothedoor. ...
Alternative medicine encompasses many different therapies, such as hypnosis, color therapy, yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, vitamin therapy, and many more. The main focus of alternative medicine is that life is a combination of parts that includes more than the treatment of diseas...
A new wave of computerised therapy is under development which, rather than simulating talking therapies, uses bias modification techniques to target the core psychological process underlying anxiety. Such interventions are aimed at anxiety disorders, and are yet to be adapted for co-morbid anxiety in...
The approach of some conventional oncology treatments is to severely damage both the cancer cells and the immune system with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. According to adherents of the above theory, these types of therapies make the imbalance even worse because these things damage the immune...
Now back to the family pressure. So, I made this instantaneous change, but people were still saying like “Well, you’ve got to go talk to the doctor. You’ve got to—will you please go hear what they have to say? Maybe they have some alternative therapies available.” I’m like “...
Our best hopes and dreams come true one step at a time. Parental feelings are the most powerful thing on earth. Our insights are invaluable in setting goals, therapies, and just getting things done. They are not evidence! We will fall flat on our faces if we indulge in the belief that...
The priority objective of personalized medicine is to produce more effective and better adapted therapies for the patient by linking a huge amount of genomic data with individual health data (diseases, therapies, etc.) and other personal data (e.g., on lifestyle, eating habits, physical activity...