The climbers set out on a Friday, camping low on the route the first night because they were concerned about rockfall after a climber had recently died in an accident at the route’s typical high camp. On Saturday, at about 10,500 feet, on...
Then after his successful summit on 12th May, the Mexican climberDavid Liañopublished sensationalbeforeandafterphotos of the Hillary Stepon hisFacebook page. It was his sixth ascent of Everest. He reported that the step was very different from his previous climbs and said that he believed ...
Amazon 現有 ECR4Kids SoftZone 寶寶攀爬泡沫軟積木4塊 ,現價$58.30(指導價$119.99)。訂單滿$35美國境内免運費,Prime會員免費兩日速遞。點擊購買>>小編推薦:适合6-18個月+寶寶,寶寶将在這5個泡沫材質的幾何形狀軟積木中學習攀爬,爬行和滑動,安全性高, 不會讓寶寶受傷。積木采用防滑底部設計,增...
With its peak at 14,409 feet, it is the highest mountain of the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest, and the highest in the state of Washington. It is going to take a huge physical commitment to training and conditioning my body, and mind to be able to reach the summit. I’m ask...