Familiarize Yourself with the Ribbon: At the top of the Excel window, you’ll see a series of tabs—File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. This bar is known as the Ribbon, and each tab houses specific tools and commands. Explore the Worksheet Grid: The mai...
Step 1 – Insert the Clustered Combo Chart in the Worksheet Select all the columns from the given data set Go to the Insert tab and the Charts group. Select Combo and choose Clustered Column Line. This adds a chart to the sheet. Step 2 – Change the Chart Type Right-click on the ...
To lock and protect all cells in a worksheet, since all cells are locked by default, you just need to protect the worksheet. Follow these steps: Step 1: Enable the Protect Sheet feature Activate the worksheet that you want to protect, and then clickReview>Protect Sheet, see screenshot: St...
Worksheet 1 | Worksheet 2 | Worksheet 3 | Worksheet 4 | Worksheet 5 Nets Of A Solid An area of study closely related to solid geometry is nets of a solid. Imagine making cuts along some edges of a solid and opening it up to form a plane figure. The plane figure is called the net...
To apply this feature, pleasedownload and install Kutools for Excelfirst. Related Articles: Auto-highlight row and column of active cell When you view a large worksheet with numerous data, you may want to highlight the selected cell’ row and column so that you can easily and intuitively rea...
Keep in mind that this operation will result in the loss of any data in the columns that are shifted off the worksheet. So, make sure you have backed up your data or created a copy of your worksheet before doing this. Part 2:How to shift cells left in excel?
Selecting all cells within a current worksheet: Cells VBA Cell References – Putting it All Together Now that you know how to refer to books, sheets, and cells, you need to combine these into one line, separated by a period symbol. For example, to select range A42 to D45 in sheet3 of...
Step 1.Open a new Excel worksheet Start by opening a new Excel workbook and entering the data you want to work with. In order to understand this tutorial, let us suppose a dataset where we will use the ISNA function to identify any #N/A errors. ...
Worksheet to calculate arc length and area of a sector (degrees) Calculate The Area Of A Sector (Using Formula In Degrees) We can calculate the area of the sector, given the central angle and radius of circle. Example: Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm, calculate the area of...
--Macro 2 - No Prompt PDF file name from worksheet cell PDF file is stored in same folder as Excel file (if saved), or in Excel's default save location. --Macro 3 - File Check PDF file uses the Excel file's name, with a date and time stamp added. ...