必应词典为您提供stemwinder的释义,英['stem'waində],na. 〈美口〉有转柄或旋钮上发条的表;烟斗管;〈俚〉第一流人物[东西]; 网络释义: 女子石更;
stemwinder ['stem'waində] 释义 n. 用转柄上发条的表;〈俚〉第一流人物[东西];烟斗管
三宅一徳 - Stemwinder
Define stemwinder. stemwinder synonyms, stemwinder pronunciation, stemwinder translation, English dictionary definition of stemwinder. n. 1. a stemwinding watch. 2. a rousing speech or orator. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 201
斯特姆温德酒店(Stemwinder) 300 Stemwinder Drive, Unit #1-5, 金伯利, 加拿大显示地图 选择房间 查看所有18张照片 暂无评分 25.52公里 查看地图房间政策 3月7日(周五) - 3月8日(周六), 1间, 1位 选择房间1晚 1间, 1位 本酒店目前不接受预定 查看其他酒店 ...
关于“13路酒庄斯登外德干白葡萄酒(Road 13 Stemwinder, Okanagan Valley, BC VQA, Canada) ”的酒款综述 该款酒散发着杏子、白水蜜桃和香草等迷人香气。酒体适中,口感浑厚。 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 欧肯那根谷(Okanagan Valley)欧肯那根谷(Okanagan Valley)是不列颠哥伦比亚(British Columbia)省一个重要的指...
Stemwinder: Part 2: Regia di Burt Brinckerhoff. Con Kate Jackson, Bruce Boxleitner, Beverly Garland, Mel Stewart. Lee and Amanda are in hiding, looking for Alexi and Sonja while the Agency looks for them- and defection starts to look appealing.
141 Stemwinder Drive, Kimberley, CA, BC is a luxury real estate listing for Sale by MarketWatch powered by Mansion Global. View information and photos of this property.
Stemwinder: An Urban Fantasy in 4/4 TmeSteve Perry
221 Stemwinder Drive, Kimberley, CA, BC is a luxury real estate listing for Sale by MarketWatch powered by Mansion Global. View information and photos of this property.