根据Future Matters Program部分中“It is an 8-week paid summer research experience for high school students. This is a hands-on program for students interested in pursuing a career in medical research.(这是一个为高中生提供的为期8周的带薪暑期研究体验。这是一个为有兴趣从事医学研究的学生提供的...
根据Simons Summer Research部分中“It is a six-week program located at Stony Brook University. (这是一个为期六周的项目,位于石溪大学。)”和Program in Math for Young Scientists部分中“This program is a six-week intensive mathematics program designed for students across the globe.( 该课程是为全球...
program, students are provided as much autonomy as possible to shape their own weeks with what they want to learn and how to spend their free time. along with the additional freedom academies allow, teens will get to stay in the dorms on campus to get an even better feel for college ...
job expectations can contribute to individualized career guidance within the mentor's profession. This study examined a governor's school program that is designed as a residential mentorship program for high school students with high academic performance in the areas of engineering...
There’s no substitute for in-person training. By the first day of camp, our summer staff is confident, excited, and equipped to inspire the next generation of innovators. Locations for this experience Hours, tuition & meals Overnight program ...
STEM Summer Programs for High School Students(2024 ·绵阳中学高二月考)STEM is a term that stands for science, technology, engineering,and mathematics. Here is a list of some of the best STEM summer camps for high school students.Future Matters Program It is an 8-week paid summer research exp...
STEMSummerProgramsforHighSchoolStudents STEM is a term that stands for science,technology,engineering and mathematics.Here is a list of some of the best STEM summer camps for high school students.Future Matters ProgramIt is an 8-week paid summer research experience for high school students.This ...
The second, HiSTEP 2.0, is an option for current high school seniors and is a full-time program. For the general NIH internship, students must be at least 17 years old by June 15 of the year of the internship and live within 40 miles of the NIH campus where they’ll intern. Interns...
Penn Medicine Summer Program for High School Students宾大医学高中生暑期项目是一个在Perelman School of Medicine宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院举行的住宿项目,共计4周时间,专为那些对医学职业感兴趣的高年级高中生设计。其所有课程难度约等于宾大医学院第一学年的课程,帮助学生接触到基本的医学培训,包括缝合、抽血...
Summer Internships for High School Students The Laboratory Learning Program is a full-time,freeresearch experience in the sciences or engineering for high school students. Students are included in ongoing research programs where they are closely supervised by Princeton faculty and research staff. The ...