放眼全球,世界各国通过创新“教联体”方式,出台了种类繁多的倡议、项目、活动、指南等,尤其在心理健康教育、环境可持续发展教育、劳动教育、体育锻炼、文化艺术教育、STEM教育、特殊教育等领域,充分挖掘社会、家庭与学校资源,通过“联责任”“联资源”“联空间”,协同促进学生“全人发展”。 EDUCATION 澳大利亚教育部强调...
二战后,美国深刻认识到科学技术在增强国家综合竞争力中发挥的重要作用,1986年美国国家科学委员会发布《本科科学、数学和工程教育》(Undergraduate Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education)报告,正式提出关于“科学、技术、工程和数学教育...
[3] Skills Future Singapore. Skills demand for the future economy: Spotlight on Singapore’s key growth areas (1st Edition, 2021). [EB/OL]Retrieved on February 5, 2022 from https://www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/docs/default-source/initiatives/ssg-skills_demand_for_the_future_economy_2021.pdf [4...
the U.S. will need 1 million more STEM experts in the near future. Besides, one of the goals of STEM initiatives is to encourage broader participation of women and minorities in the STEM workforce. This allows
新加坡政府在国立教育学院(National Institute of Education,NIE)专门设立了STEM教育研究中心(meriSTEM@NIE)。该中心负责培训新加坡在职科学教师的STEM教育能力,并颁发STEM课程开发资格证书。在职教师需要在NIE完成一定课时的课程培训,内容包括但不限...
The article focuses on how concepts in science, technology education, and mathematics show powerful relationships when it comes to student learning. Learning theorists believe that, through designed learning environments (contexts) and learning with hands-on projects, new knowledge can not only be ...
Initiatives and methods like these are relatively unique to thisupcoming generation of engineers. To an extent, this is a continuation of theevolution that is constantly occurring in classrooms around the globe,including engineering classrooms. But the existence and especially thewidespread availability of...
To better serve a wider breadth of families, we also provide these life-changing STEM experiences for underrepresented students through a number ofsocial impact initiatives. The bottom line is that STEM needs to be where the kids are. In school, after-school; during the summer, and in our lo...
Evaluation of early learning and schools initiatives in the National Innovation and Science Agenda[EB/OL]. (2020-01-17)[2022-08-11]. https://www.education.gov.au/national-innovation-and-science-agenda/resources/evaluation-early-learning-and-schools-initiatives-national-innovation-and-science-agenda...
Evaluation of early learning and schools initiatives in the National Innovation and Science Agenda[EB/OL]. (2020-01-17)[2022-08-11]. https://www.education.gov.au/national-innovation-and-science-agenda/resources/evaluation...