(1000 g) were extracted with EtOAc and MeOH using an E-914 speed extractor (Buchi, Swiss). The extracts were evaporated under vacuum to give the EtOAc (31.6 g) and MeOH (86.4 g) extracts, respectively. The EtOAc extract (11 g) was submitted to CombiFlash Rf-200 flash chro...
Methylation was inferred from bismark_methylation_extractor: bismark_methylation_extractor --gzip --report -o output --multicore 3 --genome_folder genome-build (mm10/hg38) --counts --zero_based --cytosine_report --bedGraph --comprehensive bismark_output. Only cytosines in the CpG context at ...
To produce the data shown in Fig.1, processed WGBS and ChIPseq data were read into R memory. Genome-wide analysis: for the 1 kb ‘all windows analysis’, all WGBS data were considered and a histogram was produced in R to reflect the bipartite division of methylation presence (histogram ...