期刊简介:Stem Cell Research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to Stem Cell Research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, devel...
Explain the ways in which the history of developmental biology can help to understand the current controversies regarding stem cell research Stem cell study in the United States is particularly controversial because of the ethical issues that arise, especially among religious groups in the country. For...
Stem cell research has shown great potential in providing scientists with new insights into human biology. It covers embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and pluripotent stem cells. Researchers in stem cell biology work to understand the mechanisms behind stem cell differentiation, which can lead ...
干细胞生物学研究室 Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology 研究方向:1.生理性成体干细胞生物学;2.病理性成体干细胞生物学;3.生理性与病理性干细胞的靶向小分子化合物。 科室简介:研究室以生理性与病理性的成体(组织)干细胞为核心,以疾病为导向,对生理性与病理性成体干细胞的形成、自我更新、分化、鉴定、及其在胚...
医学3区BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY生物工程与应用微生物CELL & TISSUE ENGINEERING细胞与组织工程CELL BIOLOGY细胞生物学3区4区4区否否 名词解释: 基础版:即2019年12月17日,正式发布的《2019年中国科学院文献情报中心期刊分区表》;将JCR中所有期刊分为13个大类,期刊范围只有SCI期刊。
Stem Cell Research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to Stem Cell Research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, developmental ...
Stem Cell Research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to Stem Cell Research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, developmental ...
This handbook is meant to expedite your search for the right cell biology product and give you an in-depth look at how we can help accelerate research. Learn more Sustainable solutions We are committed to delivering products that serve the research needs of our customers, while striv...
Stem cells have generated considerable interest recently in the scientific, clinical, and public arenas. It is essential that we gain a broader understanding of the factors that regulate the biology of stem cells - their ability for self-renewal, differentiation, and plasticity, as well as the ...
Stem Cell Research & Therapy;ISSN:1757-6512;2010年创刊,由Elsevier BV出版。近5年影响因子稳中有进,2015年至2018年均稳定在4分+,2019年突破了5分,2019年影响因子为5.11,即时因子为6.58,非常有潜力,期待六月底公布的影响因子! JCR分区:CELL_BIOLOGY为Q2区; ...