Two alleged stem cell fraudsters doing business on the Internet from their Llandudno, Cape Town, home have finally run head-long into a brick wall after the Constitutional Court ruled that they can be extradited to face charges in the USA.They are on the FBI's 'most wanted' list because ...
Xiang Peng, deputy director of the stem cell and tissue engineering research center of Zhongshan University, said: "anti-aging is a vague concept. Beauty depends solely on the subjective feelings of the patient, without objective criteria." Associate professor Liao Lianming, editor in chief of th...
Fetal stem cells (FSC) that we use in autism treatment positively affect all body organs and systems, and, first of all, this treatment targets the brain. In autism, areas of brain regulating memory, concentration, attention, speech etc. are damaged. Stem cell treatment improves blood and oxy...
“…the best evidence for the existence of VSELs is the dismal failure of all the other much-vaunted stem-cell therapies to deliver on their promises. Since it is axiomatic that some stem-cell therapy must work, the successful cell-types must be the ones that haven’t been tried yet, wh...
The first experiment was to use MEBO to study cell culture in vitro. In short, the experimental methods were as follows: using two groups of epithelial cells in the test tubes all filled with media. MEBO was added into only one group of test tubes (test group). The cell culture results...
Beware of “Swiss” medica - A Disappointing Experience with Stem Cell TreatmentsI recently had a very disappointing experience at “Swiss” medica “clinic or how is written “IM CLINIC” on the building , which I feel compelled to share in order to warn others.I was drawn to this clinic...
cell, tissue and organ in the fetus's body. Unlike a regular cell, which can only replicate to create more of its own kind of cell, a stem cell ispluripotent. When it divides, it can make any one of the220 different cellsin the human body. Stem cells also have the capability to...
STEM cellsBIOTECHNOLOGY industriesMARKETINGTHERAPEUTICSBLINDNESS in childrenSome Chinese biotech companies appear to be marketing themselves to desperate families with implausible and controversial stem cell treatmentsdoi:10.1016/S0262-4079(08)61764-9NoneELSEVIERNew entist...
Stem cell therapies have proven to be extremely valuable options for medical treatment. But now, scammers are capitalizing on these scientific discoveries by offering phoney stem cell treatments to patients, claiming they can provide miracle cures for untreatable conditions.Fox News...