stem cellcancertherapyliferesearchliteratureStem cells are derived from embryonic and non-embryonic tissues. Most stem cell studies are for animal stem cells and plants have also stem cell. Stem cells were discovered in 1981 from early mouse embryos. Stem cells have the potential to develop into ...
Stem cell-based therapies are emerging as a promising strategy to tackle cancer. Multiple stem cell types have been shown to exhibit inherent tropism towards tumours. Moreover, when engineered to express therapeutic agents, these pathotropic delivery vehicles can effectively target sites of malignancy....
The development of reliable cancer stem cell models provides valuable experimental approaches to identify novel testable therapeutic alternatives for therapy-resistant cancer. Drug-resistant stem cell models for molecular subtypes of clinical breast cancer and for genetically predisposed colon cancer are ...
Offering a unique focus on translational research into stem cell therapies, Stem Cell Research & Therapy acts as a platform for global debate and discussion. ...
iPSCs derived from cancer cells (cancer-iPSCs) could be a novel strategy for studying cancer. During cancer cell reprogramming, the epigenetic status of the cancer cell may be altered, such that it acquires stemness and pluripotency. The cellular behavior of the reprogrammed cells exhibits ...
Song是该团队在《Cell Stem Cell》上发表的题为“Patient-derived glioblastoma organoids as real-time avatars for assessing responses to clinical CAR-T cell therapy”的论文的共同资深作者。作者在论文中写道:“据我们所知,这是第一个具有独特设计的临床试验,可以在患者治疗的同时实时进行患者匹配的类器官相关研...
stem cells are rare immortal cells within a tumour that can both self-renew by dividing and give rise to many cell types that constitute the tumour, and can therefore form tumours. Such cells have been found in various types of human tumours and might be attractive targets for cancer ...
Stem cells in breast carcinogenesis: Implications for prevention and therapy Stem cells in breast carcinogenesis: Implications for prevention and therapySY26-02 Recent research in a variety of tumor systems has given support to the "Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis". Two important components of this hypoth...
The invention relates to an alkylating agent for use in a method of reducing cancer stem cells in patient that has been diagnosed with cancer, wherein said patient is administered said alkylating agent at a dose less than the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), and wherein the cancer stem cell po...
Identification of cancer stem cells derived from a canine lung adenocarcinoma cell line Vet Pathol, 48 (2011), pp. 1029-1034 Google Scholar 23 J.H. Schiller, D. Harrington, C.P. Belani, C. Langer, A. Sandler, J. Krook, et al. Comparison of four chemotherary regiments for advanced ...