ReeLabs is the most trusted Stem Cell Banking company in Mumbai, India. ReeLabs also has the technological capabilities to offer Amniotic sac, Amniotic Fluid and Placental Stem Cell Banking facility along with Cord Blood and Cord Tissue.
Cordlife is Asia's Largest private stem cell banking Network with Automated AXPII® processing, Quality Warranty. Trusted by over 6 Lakhs plus parents & AIA, AABB accredited.
the umbilical cord blood. This provides parents with a great insurance to protect one's child should they be diagnosed with any disease or condition that can be treated with stem cell therapy. Consult your doctor in order to understand possible benefits of umbilical cord preservation in India....
Examines all aspects of stem cell banking from type of bank and type of stem cells, regulatory landscape, public versus private, and other funding components Highlights stem cell banking industry in new markets such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China ...
StemCyte India is World’s best Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank. StemCyte has performed almost 2200 cord blood transplants globally.
Indore is now a major stem cell bank in Central IndiaParihar, Aditya Singh
Cordlife is amongst the leading players for private cord blood banking services in all the markets it operates in, namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Inhabiting a distinctive niche in the healthcare industry, the Group is one of the foremost private cord...
LifeCell, India’s first & largest stem cell bank in the country, a pioneer in stem cell research, has embarked on a journey to develop large scale manufacturing of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Mesenchymal stem cells are one type of master stem cells that have the potential to form bone...
Stem cell banking market to hit $16,558 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 15.6%. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the market size along with the current trends
Stemadeis proud to be India’s first private dental stem cell bank. This unique concept of dental stem cell banking is brought byStemadeinto the Indian terrain. By extracting valuable stem cells, the building blocks of every human body, from primary teeth and wisdom teeth and having them care...