现在都不作要求了,一般整一颗没人的盖亚或者理想城吸人就好,或者凑够10个种族挪一下。 Planned Obsolescence:As a materialist empire, have at least 75% of the pops in your empire be robotic in an empire with at least 200 pops 计划性报废:作为唯物主义帝国,至少拥有200人口,其中至少75%的人口为机器...
Pros - lots of content with all the dlc plenty of mods to spice up your storys Limit to what is going on in the game and the story is up to your mind cons very fucking expensive for all the dlc kinda comes down to who has more milatary power your mind has to make up all the lo...
attackallfleets使所有舰队瞄准所有其他舰队。无TODO cash添加 [数量] 能源币。默认为5000。[数额] [amount]cash 500 colonize复制一个给予的人口开始选中星球的殖民过程。 [colonizer pop id] colonize 1 communications开关命令开关所有交易。[目标国家ID] [target country id]TODO contact...
Having purchased some of the latest DLC for the game, I dove in and played. As I noted, I would consider it a classic “one more turn” game that can keep you up past your bedtime, but technically it doesn’t have turns. But it will keep you up late dealing with each new update ...
下面给大家分享一个四海皆臣DLC125.Surfing the WebHave a network of at least 30 Hyper Relays, in systems you own, connected to your capital.在领土上建造30个超空间中继器连接首都即可。126.Yeet the FleetCatapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you...
10 € for the game, 68 € for all dlc's. WTF? I liked playing the game in the beginning. Now i checked the dlc's and i lost the motivation to play it again, because i have a unfinished game now... Paradox wants me paying more than the full price again... thats ridi... very...
Plantoids is the first DLC package for Stellaris, Paradox Development Studio’s science fiction grand strategy game. It is the first Species Pack, introducing a new phenotype for players with original art and animations. As the title implies, Plantoids will giveStellarisfans access to a plant-like...
All Blockers removed Nu-Baol Life-Seeding 720 Gaia World Kept The planet gains 4 plantoid Nu-Baol pops with Pacifist ethics and the following traits: Agrarian Communal Venerable Delicious Slow Breeders If the Plantoids DLC is installed they will also have the Phototrophic trait If the empire ...
These can respawn from the Base Game, all DLC, and any mods that add archaeological sites. Respawning Every 5 years the game will now attempt to respawn archaeological sites, provided their spawn conditions are met. These can respawn anywhere in the galaxy, in both player and AI controlled sp...
Available only with the Leviathans DLC enabled.The Artisan Troupe is an enclave dedicated to all arts and spread across up to three stations. They offer the following services: Service Effect Cost Requirements Become patron Gain the Patron of the Arts modifier for 10 years ( +10% monthly ...