create_megastructure Creates a Megastructure in the current system, pressing tab reveals the IDs [megastructure id] create_navy Creates a fleet using your most recent designs that uses [amount] percentage of Naval Capacity, 1 means 100% [amount] damage All ships in the selected fleet take [a...
damage (amount) - All ships in the selected fleet take (amount) hull damage debug_nomen - AI empires always refuse player proposals debug_yesmen - AI empires always agree to player proposals effect add_building = (building id) - Adds (building id) to the selected planet, multiple planet ...
尝试翻译下各大思潮的..手残党求轻喷先是我个人最爱的和平小姐姐pacifist modole failing. your breathing is so loud, it's driving me insane. I
ownTake ownership and control of the selected fleet, starbase or planet, or if none is selected, takes ownership of the planet ID given as an argument. Celestial bodies that cannot be colonized will be created as colonies ,but have no capital building ...
This command enables and disables (toggles) the 'path to system' feature. When this feature is enabled, the path of ships to different systems will be drawn on the screen, along with an estimation of the time it will take for them to arrive. Examples, Generator & More tweakergui draw....
It's on the way, I promise. The holiday season is well underway in the office at the moment, so it's going to take a few more days to get ready for you all. I wanted to post about this competitio... 21 Comments Interviews Telling a Tale - Jared Alexander 02 Dec 2024 Modular...
Forms beds with an extensive system of perennial rhizomes. Interactive corporate website, Colony is not on a Ringworld, Habitat, Ecumenopolis, Relic or Tomb World, Issue Special Project: Establish Communications, Relations with the subterranean civilization improved, Relations with the subterranean civili...
Ruler Level System Stellaris RLS let every Ruler has their own level system! —— This mod was made in 1.4, but it was for personal use. After adding icons, adjusting things, and 1.5 + #EATALIENSALIVE# DLC, I think it is time to release it for public use. ...
Prescripted Cockroach Empire : “United Cockroaches of Earth” Nuked Sol System Start* : System modeled after Earth’s solar system, with a tomb-world Earth. Unique anomalies: Adds two unique anomalies based on the unique anomalies for the prescripted humans in the base game. ...
6 Tier Mobile Suit System, with 3 different sections on each Tier. 10 Zeon Ships, the Pazock, Papua, Jicco, Gagaul, Musai, Chivvay, Chivvay Kai, Rewloola, Gwazine, and Dolos. 15 EFSF Ships, the Lepanto, Salamis, Salamis Kai, Nelson, Magellan (Origin, Green, Blue, White), Ananke...