恒星系飞船 create_megastructure stellar_systemcraft_5奥尔德森盘 create_megastructure alderson_disk_1伯奇世界 create_megastructure birch_world_3类星天陨 create_megastructure quasi_stellar_obliterator_5 13楼2022-03-05 00:22 收起回复 peli12345 工业革命 5 ACOT万象天球 create_megastructure sofe_omega_dyson...
飞升activate_ascension_perk ap_gigastructural_constructs 超!级巨构activate_ascension_perk ap_systemcraft 秘密天 !体武器化activate_ascension_perk ap_slice_of_life 一片!生机activate_ascension_perk ap_qso 突破天际的!武器activate_ascension_perk ap_vast_expanses 广袤无垠 10楼2022-08-31 08:46 回复 丶...
Stellar matter, light and gravity were crushed as they were drawn in and destroyed.- Priests of Mars 来自Android客户端142楼2024-06-08 05:32 回复 NGS丿夏天 树上猴子 1 野兽崛起时期的兽人拥有的武器足以把一整个红巨星捏成黑洞。开始时红巨星没什么反应,但是几秒之后,被攻击的地方就出现了一个...
Alien Spacecraft Ancient Relics ancrel.4010 The Rubricator Ancient Relics ancrel.4011 Dragon's Hoard Ancient Relics ancrel.4123 The Evermore Ancient Relics ancrel.4056 Reinventing the Evermore Ancient Relics ancrel.4061 The Evermore Ancient Relics ancrel.4076 The Evermore Ancient Relics anc...
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The answer to that question, it’s both and it meshes them quite well surprisingly. You’ll all start off from a single world, explore, expand and exploit as one would expect. You’ll stumble across many stellar sights and colonisable worlds are not that common, especially in the early ...
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