只使用 [country id] 来列出该国家正在进行的所有战争的编号。[country id] [war id]List all wars for country with country_id = 5 along with their war_ids: surrender 5. Force country with country_id = 5 to surrender in war with war_id = 19975: surrender 5 19975. survey探索所有星球。无...
2) Once collected, Trade Value needs to be sent to your capital system. This will be done automatically if the Starbase collecting is located in said capital system, but otherwise the Starbase must be connected to the capital through a Trade Route (more on that below). 2) 贸易价值一旦被收...
Trade Value represents civilian day-to-day economic activity. Starbases collect Trade Value and convert it into resources such as Energy Credits if connected to your capital planet through a Trade Route. Trade Value that is directly collected by your capital Starbase does not need a trade route ...
If the offer is refused, a weaponised ship enters the system, the Outpost is upgraded to a Starbase, or the empire attempts to invade or destroy any Habinte world, all invading armies are destroyed, all ships in the system go MIA and the hyperlane leading to the system is removed. If ...
- Orbital Rings - Built around your worlds, Orbital Rings act similarly to Starbases and allow further development or defense of these core planets. - 星环基地Orbital Rings——环绕你的星球建设的轨道环和恒星基地类似,允许你进一步发展核心星球的防御。
- Starbase Transit Hubs now also fulfill the necessary requirement for slaves or non-sapient robots to automatically migrate from planets in the system.- 恒星基地的运输枢纽模块现在会将满足必要条件的奴隶或是非知性机器人从该星系的星球中自动迁移。- The dividend event now specifies which enclave is ...
- Added on_starbase_disabled on action and stopped firing on_starbase_destroyed when a starbase is only disabled.- 增加了on_starbase_disabled on action,并在仅在恒星基地被禁用时停止触发on_starbase_destroyed。 3.4.5 Hotfix Patch Released 3.4.5版本号热修复补丁(20220629)...
Own 200 Starbases (Outposts are counted) Pandora's World Use a Global Pacifier to shield a planet belonging to Fanatic Purifiers, Ravenous Swarms, or Determined Exterminators Imperial Highway Own 4 active Gateways Citadel of Death Own a Citadel with 40k fleet power ...
Not only I will provide you with the, but you will also learn how to enable these step by step. Nebulae are named and visible on the galaxy map from the start of the game. Nebulae block all sensor coverage originating from other systems, meaning that it is impossible for an empire to ...
Own 200 Starbases (Outposts are counted). 1 guide Tradition is Everything Unlock all 42 Traditions. 1 guide Megapolis Have a planet with at least 100 Pops 1 guide Center of Trade Earn at least 1000 Energy Credits per month from trade ...