Branch Office shut down on [From.GetName] crime.1002 Branch Office shut down on [Root.GetName] crime.1001 Virus Terminates Deviant Network on [Root.GetName] crime.552 Deviant Signal Interference on [Root.GetName] crime.551 Rogue Drones Rampage on [Root.GetName] crime.550 Deviant Ri...
最后,在尝试了诸多复杂手段后(例如记住已完成目标的数值要求从中求出合适的目标数值等),我们发现有个效率更高的简单方法:把整个国家的进攻舰队力量堆在一起,然后根据AI对本国与敌国势力对比的自信程度来决定把舰队分成两队、三队或者更多。 Knowing some of you like to mod our AI, here’s some new defines ...
Prototype: void USBOTGModeTerm(unsigned long ulIndex) Parameters: ulIndex specifies the USB controller to end OTG mode operations. Description: Applications using OTG mode may call this function to disable interrupts in preparation for shutdown or a change of operating mode. Returns: None. 2.2....
What I mean is a large empire might be forced to break up under its own weight, or you might get hit by a war you have no choice to unconditionally surrender to and be taken down a peg or two. The closest I ever seen to a steam roll are those genocidal aliens in my game, but ...