research_technology tech_mass_accelerator_2 That's really all there is to it. For more helpsee this page. How to Use the Research All Cheat If researching one piece of technology just isn't enough for you - theresearch all commandis what you're looking for. The command accepts two arug...
research_all_technologies 1 1 Copy The above console command would instantly research all technology in the game, including repeatable, creature and crisis tech. research_all_technologies 0 1 Copy This cheat researches all repeatable and non-repeatable technology that isn't creature or crisis ...
事件ehof_cheat.002 (引发危机)(需要ehof_cheat.001)event ehof_cheat.003 (生成EHOF P4(需要ehof_cheat.001))research_technology tech_ehof_use_gateway (网关激活技术)research_technology tech_ehof_build_gateway (网关建设技术) 13楼2022-03-11 00:29 回复 ...
research_technology Instantly research [technology id] [technology id] resource Adds [amount] of [resource], default 5000 [amount] [resource] skills Adds [amount] of skill levels to every leader under player control, default 1 [amount] skip_galactic_community_cooldowns Allows proposing resolutions...
Stellaris: First Contact - Why Cloaking Tech Is a Game Changer for Empires Games When used correctly, this new researchable technology coming with the latest story pack can tip the balance of power between empires in Stellaris. ByRobert Koumarelas ...
Edict, building, and paragon cheats The Sims 3 cheats: all cheat codes for PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox From the moment you begin your adventure in Fallout: New Vegas, you've already cheated death. Your first playthrough of the game should be done as the developers intended, though maybe...
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Increased allowable Tech to Research to 4 at start Auto Exploration is now a starter tech Added tech to unlock the tier 4 labs (Engineering Lab IV, Bio Lab IV, and Physics Lab IV) Quality of Life & Balancing Minor Camera & Zoom Improvements ...
Tech IDs Research Cheat Tradition IDs Event IDs Trait IDs Resource IDs View Guides Recommended CommandDescriptionInfo create_megastructure This command will create the megastructure with the specified ID. Examples, Generator & More create_megastructure <Megastructure ID> Copy Command Copy Full...
research_technology tech_repeatable_naval_cap You can only use this command a few times, but it's better than nothing! Stellaris Console Commands Use our complete, up-to-date database of all Stellaris cheats to find help and examples for any command. All Stellaris Commands If you have a...