Answered by Daniel Moregård Q: when we will get XL and T missile weapon like asteroïdes launcher? 问:我们什么时候能有X槽和T槽的导弹武器,比如小行星发射器? A: No current plans, but it's something I've wanted to do forever. It's just lower priority than other things. 答:目前没有...
Answered by JoJo (Stellaris QA Lead) Q: There will not be an anniversary update this year, right ? (If you do not count the 3.0.3 Patch (altough you said its the last update for 3.0 so who knows ?)) 问:今年不会有周年更新补丁了对吗?(如果你不算3.0.3的话(尽管你说过这是3.0版本里...
Answered by JoJo (Stellaris QA Lead) Q: There will not be an anniversary update this year, right ? (If you do not count the 3.0.3 Patch (altough you said its the last update for 3.0 so who knows ?)) 问:今年不会有周年更新补丁了对吗?(如果你不算3.0.3的话(尽管你说过这是3.0版本里...