ROBOT_BUDGET_FRACTION = 0.10, -- AI will spend this fraction of their income on robots (transfered to stations & buildings if they don't use robots)DANGER_BUDGET_FACTOR = 0.1, -- When there are potential dangers, increase navy budget by this amountSHIPSIZE_BUDGET_FACTOR = 0.025, -- ...
While active, it will greatly increase the attraction of your Governing Ethics for the Pops on the primitive planet, and cause them to drift towards those ethics over time. As the Pops start changing ethics, the Governing Ethics of the primitive ciivlization will change along with them, and ...
Q: For the clone army origin, will there be any way to increase the limit of 5 ancient cloning vats? 问:对克隆军团起源来说,有没有办法增加远古克隆池5个的上限? A: At present, no, but it is set up in such a way as that would be easy to implement, should we (or modders) want t...
increase growth as the approach a midpoint between population and the planetary carrying capacity, then slow down to zero as they reach the top of the curve. Pop Assembly, on the other hand, is generally slow but consistent. The biggest change is that producing a new pop no longer costs a...
This Megacorporation relies on several semi-independent navy contractors to increase its fleet size. Competing for bids, the contractors are always struggling to outperform one another. +15% Naval capacity +2 Mercenary enclave capacity Naval Procurement Officer Militarist Citizen Service Private Militar...
Orbitals are stations that increase the building slots and/or max districts of the Habitat Central Complex. When orbitals are reduced to 5% Hull Points, they are disabled and the Habitat Central Complex gains 10 Devastation and a blocker. Structure Built on Effects Requirements Cost Blocker ...
As part of this, we made some changes to increase economic output of individual pops or other sources through various means - some technologies were buffed, edicts were updated, and new bonuses were added to keep production up. Some secondary resources, such as Research, are intentionally more ...
implementation of Void Dwellers of having two separate traits, one positive and one negative resulted in behaviour that we weren't happy with - in particular being able to gene-mod the negative aspects of the trait out of existence. To solve this we've made some changes to how the traits ...
City World: With Ecumenopolis, players can increase the population density of core worlds to proportions that are “too big to fail”, eventually creating a megacity spanning multiple planets. Caravaneer Fleets: Watch out for those pesky Caravaneers, nomadic traders who walk the fine line between...
* Each ship size has a technology to increase the build speed of that ship size by 25%* Technologies that unlock new ship sizes also increase Fleet Command Limit by +10* Orbital Hydroponics tech removed from game* Will to Power tech removed from game* Wormhole Stabilization technology has ...