It is not our place to influence the development of another society. Watch, but do not interfere. Subtle Interference Passive Observation Spread Disinformation Increase Awareness Plant Advanced Knowledge Indoctrinate Society High Awareness Xenoist +10 Supremacist −10 Unless Signatory: Fanatic Xenopho...
The Mega Shipyard will allow you to build ships quicker and in more numbers than ever before, having up to 30 shipyards and passively increase your empires Ship build speed, while also starting ships off with some XP.* 一个新型的巨型建筑,它是那么名副其实,甚至让人好奇我们是怎么想出这么个完...
Specify a negative value to remove engineering points. Examples, Generator & More engineering <Amount> Copy Command Copy Full game_over This command forcefully ends the game with either domination (0), federation (1) or conquest (2). Examples, Generator & More game_over <Victory Type> ...
There are a number of things that will reduce Cohesion every month, such as every member, diverse ethics and opposing ethics. Federation members can counteract this by assigning Envoys to the federation, which will increase monthly Cohesion. 还有很多东西会减少每月团结度,比如成员数量,不同的和相反的...
for Version 1.8x Now, in order to change a property, all it takes is a single line per property. For example, let's assume you want to increase the number of leaders in the leader pool. Looking through the original 00_defines.txt file, ...
When a Federation whose members you have treaties with moves Separate Treaties to "Prohibited" from "Allowed", are existing treaties affected and if so, how? Similarly, how are existing treaties with a Federation applied to individual members when that Federation moves Separate Treaties to "Allowed...