After we are done with the concept art for all the assets, they are sent to the 3D artists. Figuring out a design in 3D while you are building the ships is very timeconsuming, so the idea is that the concepts are clear enough that the 3D artists can mostly trace the concept. There ...
base_buildtime = 60 #建造时间 can_have_federation_design = no #不可获得盟友的设计 enable_default_design = no#yes的话,就会预先产生好一个设计好的船 class = shipclass_military #级别,影响很多情况,比如边境的军用民用进入(shipclass_civilian) required_component_set = "ftl_components" required_compon...
To allow new content designers to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the game, they are usually assigned some onboarding tasks. The Tiyanki Graveyard was a combination of two such tasks: designing a unique solar system with new ships on patrol, and creating an arc site. 为了使新的内...
* Fix ship design unique key (should be size + name).* The Galactic Bureaucracy tech no longer displays a removed tier 3 bureaucratic building.* Player can't use more than 10 favors per country per resolution.* Fixed a bug when two research projects could be run at the same time.* ...
Currently in Empire creation, when selecting the appearance of your ships, we display a preview of a sample ship utilizing your empire's colors. 目前在创建帝国时,你选择完舰船外观之后,游戏会展示一艘使用了你帝国颜色的科研船。 We have a bit of an experiment coming that will be rolling out to...
artthereforedoesneedtofitacertainformat.Thatsaid,wehavedoneourutmosttoavoidthetropeofjusthavingAsweconceivedthealiensandwesawhowtheywere differentforeheadsandskincolors.turningout,wegaveeachdesignarough”ethical” identification.Sowecouldbalancetheappearanceofall ...
I'm CheerfulGoth, a content designer on Stellaris, and today I'm excited to share the design process behind the Tiyanki Grave Mound that was added in the Fornax patch! 我是CheerfulGoth,Stellaris的内容设计师,今天我很高兴能为大家分享在“天炉座”版本中新增的缇扬奇墓穴背后的开发过程。
Currently if I had 'Interceptor Mk I' and a new ship design copied from 'Interceptor Mk I' and I call it 'Interceptor Mk II', would I upgrade that ship design, and it would know to upgrade it correctly, or would I use the new Retrofit option? Currently if I try doing this, it ...
The Grand Design modifier from Void Unclouded event is no longer permanent and now gives +10% Happiness for 20 yearsPropaganda edict can now be used by everyone. Fanatic Collectivists were previously prevented from using itMineral Deficit effect increased from -33% to -50% and now also affects...
Paradox's science-fiction cosmic expansion simulatorStellarisgives you chance to spread your influence across the stars. Design your own species and political system and see how well you can manage its growth. Create-A-Species Stellaris doesn't just pick a galactic civilization for you and forces...