An alien empire now speaks to us in the language of the devine.The nonbelievers are fighting among themselves.Xeno mongrels have declare war on each other. 来自Android客户端14楼2019-06-18 16:12 收起回复 光明之翼 虚空恶魔 13 舰娘语音,,, 来自Android客户端15楼2019-06-18 16:21 回复 ...
In our quest to constantly improve Stellaris we want to measure what impact a change like this can have, so that it would be easier for us to know how to prioritize these kinds of changes in the future. If everything goes well, the change will become permanent for everyone going forwards...
模板:Declare war SerGawen 于7年前修改了此页面。 分类: 语义转换模板外部链接 Stellaris官方英文wiki 官方论坛 Steam商店页面 Stellaris贴吧 用户交流 机长QQ群 Wiki编辑QQ群 媒体读者QQ群 灰机Club 站点支持 申请建站 文档中心 维基化概述 使用条款 编辑条款 关注灰机 微博 知乎 Bilibili 微信公众号 huiji_...
For example, is the AI more hesitant to declare war if it doesn’t have any or very little military intel? 问:AI在做决定时会使用情报吗?举个例子,假设只有非常少的军事情报,AI在考虑宣战时会更犹豫吗? A: The AI does take Intel into account for war declarations. 答:AI在宣战时会考虑情报。
If a militarist or authoritarian nation unified their planet through war, the origin still works. The main design desire for Prosperous Unification was to provide a "default" origin that could apply to a wide variety of empires. 问:你是否考虑过,或者以后会添加一两个其他的“通用”起源,而不是...
as we felt that the Relics you found should be yours. The only exception to this rule is The Galatron, for which you can declare wars to steal from another empire. Relics also add a lot of score, with The Galatron being the most powerful relic in that regard. If you want to have th...
If an empire enters the cluster before that happens, the Chosen instantly declare war on them. The system connecting the Ithome cluster to the rest of the galaxy, called Ithome's Gate, contains a deposit of 2 dark matter and three habitats. All habitats are size 3 and have an advanced...
This command will make the empire with the specified ID declare war on your current empire. Examples, Generator & More war_on_player <Empire ID> Copy Command Copy Full minerals This command adds the specified amount of minerals to your minerals storage. Examples, Generator & More minerals...
AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BASE Base chance AI will declare a war (multiplied by personality aggressiveness score) 25 AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_PROPAGATOR_BOXED_IN_MULT When a warlike 'propagator' personality is boxed in aggression is multiplied by this value 10 AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BOXED_IN_MULT When an AI can no...
This empire wishes to be left alone to their own affairs. Belligerent -10%War exhaustion gain +10%Naval Capacity -10%Claim Influence Cost 0.25Influence cost to send Envoys to Improve Relations Imperialist Supremacist Prosperity Inwards Perfection ...