A: While we originally wanted to implement this, it ended up excessively costly to implement in a satisfactory way. We added Diplomatic Weight as an election option to represent the empires of your federation holding a democratic referendum. 问:你们会考虑为联邦添加由成员国投票选举联邦领导人的机制...
Federation Infiltrate pre-FTL civilizations Commander of the Watch Pacifist Xenophobe Pompous Purists Eager Explorers Sovereign Guardianship Common Ground Hegemon Fear of the Dark Idyllic Bloom This society has always spent much time on improving and caring for their environment, in pursuit of building ...
How to enter console commands Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the ~ key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. A...
has_federation Checks if the country is in a federation has_federation = yes country is_colonizable Checks if the planet can theoretically be colonized is_colonizable = yes planet has_level Checks if the leader has a specific experience level has_level > 2 leader num_minerals Checks...
election Starts a ruler election – end_senate_session Passes/fails the currently voted resolution – engineering Adds [amount] of Engineering tech points, default 5000 [amount] event Triggers [event id] [event id] federation_add_experience Adds [amount] of Experience to the Federation, default ...
Have a Diplomatic Weight of over 9000 1 guide Let Us Go Forward Together Level up your Federation 1 guide We're Number One Be the leader of a max level Federation 1 guide Whatever it is, I'm against it Refuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member ...
In a couple of days we will finally bring you Federations, an expansion that we've worked incredibly hard on for quite a while now. We're extremely excited to get it into your hands and see what you all think of it! 联邦Federations扩展包还有几天就要发布了,这是我们费尽心机努力制作的一...
been continuing in the background after a brief summer break. In fact, version 0.2: Shadow Broker is feature complete with the release of v0.2.4 which is compatible with Stellaris 3.14. It hasn't released quite yet but, let's discuss all of version 0.2 if you haven't played in awhile...
Q: When you finish an anomaly there's sometimes a follow up special project which requires you to stop what you're doing to click it to start it. Any plans to make this a smoother/automatic action for the player from the event window?
Specify a negative value to remove engineering points. Examples, Generator & More engineering <Amount> Copy Command Copy Full game_over This command forcefully ends the game with either domination (0), federation (1) or conquest (2). Examples, Generator & More game_over <Victory Type> ...