It can also build new ships to replenish your fleets... at normal speeds. It's nice not counting towards your fleet or base cap. On top of that, you get a few more origins. Start as a Federation leader. Be a "habitat only" больше вамэтопоказалосьпо...
and it will affect which laws the AI is attracted towards. For example, militaristic empires, or those with either Honorbound Warriors or Federation Builderspersonalitieswill be more likely
Q:any plan for new federation type? 问:对新的联邦类型有什么计划吗? A:There have been some pitches internally. 答:内部已经有了一些投稿。 Question by Luke5Arman Answered by Alfray Stryke (Design) Q:imperial cult + exalted priesthood makes so much sense, but it can't be done because exal...
Q:any plan for new federation type? 问:对新的联邦类型有什么计划吗? A:There have been some pitches internally. 答:内部已经有了一些投稿。 Question by Luke5Arman Answered by Alfray Stryke (Design) Q:imperial cult + exalted priesthood makes so much sense, but it can't be done because exal...
And yet it was a momentous occasion for the self-styled United Federation of Planets, now a burgeoning empire of two worlds. Later, humanity spanning the galaxy, it would be easy to write this first step off as predestined, but the work entailed countless generat...
Have all eight ethics represented within your Federation Humble Pie Humiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it You've Been Served Denounce an Empire that is not actually in breach of galactic law while all major sanctions have been passed ...
- Fixed a bunch of issues in various federation law acceptance tooltips (several had missing or hard to interpret and ugly information)- 修复了一系列联邦法律通过提示条内的一堆问题(有些丢失了信息,有些难以理解,有些就是写的不行)。- Fixed a missing species name in event The Dragon has Landed...
Level up your Federation 1 guide We're Number One Be the leader of a max level Federation 1 guide Whatever it is, I'm against it Refuse to belong to any club that would have you as a member 2 guides Add-on Federations 119 45 ...
* Crash fix when an invalid country invites a correct country to a Federation* Fixed an assert and potential crash when a saved technology no longer exists* It is no longer possible to rename planets owned by other empires that are inside your borders* Fixed empires with Evolutionary Mastery ...
meaning that it is impossible for an empire to see what is within and beyond a nebula's hyperlanes without having a ship or station inside. So, the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni was a welcome addition to my offbeat archaeology reading list. . That sounds too bad to be worth it. Thread sta...